Our General Member ship Meetings are held quarterly. We typically meet on the third Tuesday of the month at the Jackson Springs Rec Center 8620 Jackson Springs Rd.
Next General Membership Meeting
Tuesday Jan 21st at 6:15 at Jackson Springs Rec Center
Annual Membership Meeting 6:15
Meeting with Public Works
to address flooding issues Jan 21,2025 6:30
Jackson springs Rec Center 8620 Jackson Springs Rd
Hosted by Town ’N Country Park Civic Association
Please come prepared with specific information about any pump or drainage issues that you would like to discuss. The public works staff that are attending are knowledgeable about our area and should be able to provide detailed information. Please forward any specific information to martha@tnccivic.org and we will provide this to staff before the meeting so they can do research in advance if needed.
We are only addressing the flooding in the light shaded area below
6:15 Brief Annual Town ‘N Country Park General Membership Meeting to elect officers
Proposed Slate of officers President-Martha Wallace, Secretary/Treasurer -Joan Hazelgrove, Trustee, Russel Habel, Director-Paul McShea, Director, Jim Rojas , Director, Scott Gaunsallus
There are additional openings on the board. If you are interested please let us know before the meeting
October General Membership Meeting
Tuesday Oct 15th 2024 at 6:30
Jackson Springs Recreation Center Large Room
This is our annual meeting with the election of officers. If anyone is interested in volunteering to serve as an officer for the Town ‘N Country Park Civic Association please send an email to martha@tnccivic.org
Commissioner Cohen will be at this meeting to update us on what is going on in Hillsborough County and to hear our concerns. To make this the most productive we are asking that you let us know any issues that you have submitted to the county and the current status. We want him to be prepared to respond to specific issues and he can only do this if he has the opportunity to look at the issues in advance.
The Next General Membership Meeting
Tues July 16 at 6:30 2024
Jackson springs Recreation Center Large Meeting Room
8620 Jackson Springs Rd
We have invited candidates for local offices which will be in a position to influence many of the biggest issues we have identified and worked on over the last couple of years. This meeting is purposefully before the primary elections so we can meet and hear from all the candidates running for the office. We want to make sure that there is adequate time for all 7 of the candidates to speak in 90 minutes so we will provide a list of issues ahead of time that we want the candidates to address. If you have any important issues beyond the ones listed below please email martha@tnccivic.org and we will include as much as we can given the time constraints. The current issues we have identified from past meetings are listed below
An increasing number of problems with accessory dwellings, subdivided houses and disruptive air BNBs in our single-family home neighborhood. Homeless individuals living on the streets and public areas, Drugs, illegal dumping, illegal parking of commercial vehicles, traffic and a general change in the feeling of safety in our community which has always been a good safe neighborhood
There will be at least a half hour after the candidate’s forum to speak with them personally. The format will be similar to last year.
State Attorney candidates that have confirmed
Suzy Lopez incumbent
Andrew Warren
Elizabeth Straus
Hillsborough County Commission District 6 County Wide
There is no incumbent in this race
Jim Davison
Sean Shaw
Joseph Ryan Taylor
Chris Boles (Has not confirmed at the time of the newsletter)
Hillsborough County Supervisor of elections will be onsite conducting voter registration. You can get details on the requirements to register at votehillsborough.gov
April General Membership Meeting Highlights
Our primary presentation was from Hillsborough County Neighborhood Relations. This is a great service provided by Hillsborough County. It provides a lot of opportunities for residents to meet the different departments and understand the processes they have so we can work most effectively with them. There are also opportunities for several grants to help improve the neighborhood. If you are curious this is the link https://hcfl.gov/departments/neighborhood-relations
Meals on wheels will also provided a presentation on the services they have available and volunteer opportunities.
We also had a representative from Senior Services.